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A short guide to the Timeout framework

Last week, a colleage of mine asked me on how to use the native interface for userland timing in Genode, the Timeout framework. So, I thought it would be worth sharing this knowledge in form of a short article.

When to use the Timeout framework?

The Timeout framework is the way to go whenever you want up to microseconds-accurate timing in the context of a native Genode application. If you are, however, in one of Genodes foreign runtimes like LibC or POSIX, you should use their timing interfaces instead. In the rare case that your context would render the use of non-blocking timeouts ad absurdum, you want to use the Timer session interface instead of the Timeout framework. The Timeout framework is not designed to be used for blocking timeouts. I will add a follow-up article about the Timer session interface soon.

How to use the Timeout framework

First, include the following header in your code:

 #include <timer_session/connection.h>

It is part of Genodes base library. Then, create a Timer connection object:

 Timer::Connection timer { env };

Where env is the Genode::Environment object that you received through the Component::construct entry of your program. If you just want to know the local time (the age of the timer connection you just created), do the following:

 Genode::Duration time { timer.curr_time() };
 Genode::Milliseconds time_ms { time.trunc_to_plain_us() };
 Genode::Microseconds time_us { time.trunc_to_plain_ms() };

It's fine to call the curr_time method from this example very often. The time it returns is locally interpolated, i.e. the call doesn't imply any RPC and is therefore considered to be cheap. The time you receive through this method should normally be microseconds-accurate. However, be aware that some platforms don't allow for the framework to achieve microseconds-accuracy.

In order to program a timeout, you first have to create a handler that can be called when the timeout triggers:

 struct Struct_1 {

    void handler(Genode::Duration curr_time) { ... }

 Struct_1 obj { };

You can now create a timeout that triggers once, for instance, after 500 microseconds:

 Timer::One_shot_timeout<Struct_1> timeout {
     timer, obj, &Struct_1::handler };

 timeout.schedule(Microseconds { 500 });

Destructing the timeout while it's running will stop it, i.e., it won't trigger anymore if it didn't already. But you can also stop a one-shot timeout without destructing it:

 timeout.schedule(Microseconds { 700000 });

The handler won't be called after that. If you call schedule on the timeout again at any time (also while it's still running), the timeout will be re-started with the new duration. You can even re-start the timeout inside its own handler:

 struct Struct_1 {
    Timer::One_shot_timeout<Struct_1> timeout { ... };

    Struct_1() {
        timeout.schedule(Microseconds { 2000000 });

    void handler(Genode::Duration curr_time) {
        timeout.schedule(Microseconds { 1000000 });

This handler would be called once after 2 seconds and then periodically every second. For periodic timeouts, you can also use a shortcut:

 Timer::Periodic_timeout<Struct_1> timeout {

     timer, obj, &Struct_1::handler, Microseconds { 5000 } }

This will trigger the handler once immediately, and then periodically every 5 milliseconds. Such a periodic timeout can only be stopped again by destructing it. There is no discard and no schedule method as with the one-shot timeout. So, if you want to re-use a periodic timeout, you might find Genodes Constructible utility handy:

 Constructible<Timer::Periodic_timeout<Struct_1> > timeout { };

 timeout.construct( timer, obj, &Struct_1::handler, Microseconds { 500 });
    timer, obj, &Struct_1::handler, Microseconds { 2300 });

In this example, the construct call does the same as the schedule call on a one-shot timeout and the destruct call the same as the discard call on a one-shot timeout.

Note that you can create any number of timeout objects of both timeout types with only one Timer connection. Just give them all the same connection when constructing them and the framework will do the multiplexing. It's also fine to use the same handler on different timeouts:

 using namespace Timer;
 One_shot_timeout<Struct_1> timeout_1 { timer, obj_1, &Struct_1::handler };
 Periodic_timeout<Struct_2> timeout_2 { timer, obj_2, &Struct_2::handler, Microseconds { 1000 }};
 One_shot_timeout<Struct_2> timeout_3 { timer, obj_2, &Struct_2::handler };

Furthermore, you should be aware that the timeout framework always calls your handlers with the the same thread that called the Component::construct function of your application. However, you can safely construct, destruct, schedule, and discard timeouts from other threads.